We finally got some time to relax a bit today! After lunch we went to a Christmas Bazaar at the American Colony Hotel that had all kinds of homemade gifts. Nativities, purses, ornaments, etc.. .. .. Suzanne and I both got photographs. They were old Reproductions from Glass Negatives that a family has had for generations. Most of the photos were taken in the late 1800's, early 1900's. I debated over 2 and ended up with one of the Garden of Gethsemane (I need to check how to spell that!) It is Sepia Toned and is printed on silver paper, so it has a gold glow and really has a lot of depth. Beautiful! I can not wait to get it framed. I took a photo of the 'Grandpa' who took the pictures, his son and his Grandson.

.................more later!!!
(It looks better in person ..) It was taken in the early 1900s before the garden was so 'Touristy'. Looks a lot different today! I really may go back and get another one. There was one with a shepherd, sheep over looking the Old City before everything was built up-gorgeous!
We did a fast pass through the Old City-in Herod's Gate (Muslim Quarter), out Jaffa Gate (Christian Quarter). I literally got kicked in the butt by a boy about 10 years old. He got me as I walked by him. I was so surprised I just turned around and yelled "HEY!" Which only made him laugh harder. I am now wishing I had grabbed him by the scruffy neck and given him what-for, but I'm glad I did not start World War 3! But after walking up the street this morning and having dirty floor water dumped on my foot by a shop keeper, I'm feeling a little beat up! I hope tomorrow is better.
Had dinner out with the group-really nice group, very fun. Its way more fun to be here with people than on my own!
Some random things I learned today:
1. never, ever call the Dome of the Rock "Temple Mount". It's Dome of the Rock unless you want to get a beat down or start WW3!
2. While walking around, everything feels very normal and you can almost forget about the undercurrents of hostility. No guns this time. Lots of kids walking around after school. Very few sirens, and I have not seen any police yet. Bethlehem (West Bank) is unstable and controlled by the Palestinians, so therefore not accessible for us, unfortunately.
4. Jerusalem has a McDonalds, but it is advertised with the tiniest golden arches I've ever seen. Only about 4 'off the ground and probably a foot high. So cute!
5. The Old City: Definite difference between the Muslim quarter and the Christian Quarter. The Muslim quarter was active, busy, Hectic, full of merchandise and kinda dirty. As soon as we crossed into the Christian quarter, the shopkeepers were more interested in us, the shops were more touristy, streets were clean and there were much less people. Just interesting to note-no judgments are being made!
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