Lions and oxen will sleep in the hay,
We never made it over to Canyon Road to visit the art galleries but we did do a scenic side trip up Bishops Lodge Road into the mountains (we climbed over 2,000 feet). I would tell anyone that Santa Fe is worth a good long weekend- especially around Balloon Fiesta time!!! If you'd like to see more of my balloon photos, click here: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=redhd2872&target=ALBUM&id=5525106115771947793&authkey=Gv1sRgCKGBnfq5z4e0FA&feat=email
I caught this family playing a game of 'Duck Duck Goose' in front of the castle and I couldn't resist taking a shot. I just love this photo! I wish I'd had the foresight to ask them for their email so I could send them the picture, but they packed up and left before I thought of it.
I made my way down to the village and to the harbor, stopping along the way at a Farmers Market to, of course, buy some jewelry. I thought about buying some soda bread, but I'm glad I didn't, as that was all the hotel served for their 'Continental Breakfast' for the next four days!
Another area I explored in the city itself was the Temple Bar District, which I didn't realize was NOT named because of it's numerous...well....bars! Sir William Temple built his house and gardens on the land in the 1600's and his son, Sir John (evidently an early land developer) built a new sea wall, acquired more land and developed the area into something similar to what is there now. 'Barr' back then meant a 'raised sandbank'- usually meant for walking on. (or so the nice plaque on the wall said...) Nevertheless, the area is lousy with pubs and late night clubs now. It's a little rough around the edges- not as polished or touristy as Grafton Street. But it was a great place to people watch and take photos! If I were 10 years younger, maybe it would have been a great place for some other activities, too....
Overall, it was a great trip. Supposedly, we'll be back again in the fall- I'm hoping its more like 'late summer', but I guess I'll have to get my fleece out just in case!! If you're interested in seeing the rest of my photos, please visit : http://www.kodakgallery.com/gallery/sharing/shareRedirectSwitchBoard.jsp?token=285832260408%3A1077217493&sourceId=533754321803&cm_mmc=eMail-_-Share-_-Photos-_-Sharee